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Recent blog posts

Thursday 10 October, 2024

Using Chrome's accessibility APIs to find security bugs

Adrian Taylor

Chrome’s user interface (UI) code is complex, and sometimes has bugs.

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Thursday 3 October, 2024

Evaluating Mitigations & Vulnerabilities in Chrome

Alex Gough

The Chrome Security Team is constantly striving to make it safer to browse the web. We invest in mechanisms to make classes of security bugs impossible, mitigations that make it more difficult to exploit a security bug, and sandboxing to reduce the capability exposed by an isolated security issue. When choosing where to invest it is helpful to consider how bad actors find and exploit vulnerabilities. In this post we discuss several axes along which to evaluate the potential harm to users from exploits, and how they apply to the Chrome browser.

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Friday 13 September, 2024

A new path for Kyber on the web

David Adrian, Bob Beck, David Benjamin and Devon O'Brien

The Kyber algorithm has been standardized with minor technical changes and renamed to the Module Lattice Key Encapsulation Mechanism (ML-KEM). We have implemented ML-KEM in Google’s cryptography library, BoringSSL, which allows for it to be deployed and utilized by services that depend on this library.

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Tuesday 30 July, 2024

Improving the security of Chrome cookies on Windows

Will Harris

Cybercriminals using cookie theft infostealer malware continue to pose a risk to the safety and security of our users. We already have a number of initiatives in this area including Chrome’s download protection using Safe Browsing, Device Bound Session Credentials, and Google’s account-based threat detection to flag the use of stolen cookies. Today, we’re announcing another layer of protection to make Windows users safer from this type of malware.

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Wednesday 24 July, 2024

Building security into the redesigned Chrome downloads experience

Jasika Bawa, Lily Chen, and Daniel Rubery

Last year, we introduced a redesign of the Chrome downloads experience on desktop to make it easier for users to interact with recent downloads. At the time, we mentioned that the additional space and more flexible UI of the new Chrome downloads experience would give us new opportunities to make sure users stay safe when downloading files.

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Thursday 27 June, 2024

Sustaining Digital Certificate Security — Entrust Certificate Distrust

Chrome Root Program

The Chrome Security Team prioritizes the security and privacy of Chrome's users, and we are unwilling to compromise on these values. The Chrome Root Program Policy states that CA certificates included in the Chrome Root Store must provide value to Chrome end users that exceeds the risk of their continued inclusion. It also describes many of the factors we consider significant when CA Owners disclose and respond to incidents. When things don't go right, we expect CA Owners to commit to meaningful and demonstrable change resulting in evidenced continuous improvement.

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Thursday 20 June, 2024

Staying Safe with Chrome Extensions

Benjamin Ackerman, Anunoy Ghosh and David Warren

Chrome extensions can boost your browsing, empowering you to do anything from customizing the look of sites to providing personalized advice when you’re planning a vacation. But as with any software, extensions can also introduce risk.

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Thursday 23 May, 2024

Advancing Our Amazing Bet on Asymmetric Cryptography

David Adrian, Bob Beck, David Benjamin and Devon O'Brien

Google and many other organizations, such as NIST, IETF, and NSA, believe that migrating to post-quantum cryptography is important due to the large risk posed by a cryptographically-relevant quantum computer (CRQC). In August, we posted about how Chrome Security is working to protect users from the risk of future quantum computers by leveraging a new form of hybrid post-quantum cryptographic key exchange, Kyber (ML-KEM). We’re happy to announce that we have enabled the latest Kyber draft specification by default for TLS 1.3 and QUIC on all desktop Chrome platforms as of Chrome 124.2 This rollout revealed a number of previously-existing bugs in several TLS middlebox products. To assist with the deployment of fixes, Chrome is offering a temporary enterprise policy to opt-out.

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Tuesday 30 April, 2024

Detecting browser data theft using Windows Event Logs

Will Harris

Chromium’s sandboxed process model defends well from malicious web content, but there are limits to how well the application can protect itself from malware already on the computer. Cookies and other credentials remain a high value target for attackers, and we are trying to tackle this ongoing threat in multiple ways, including working on web standards like DBSC that will help disrupt the cookie theft industry since exfiltrating these cookies will no longer have any value.

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Thursday 4 April, 2024

The V8 Sandbox

Samuel Groß

After almost three years since the initial design document and hundreds of CLs in the meantime, the V8 Sandbox — a lightweight, in-process sandbox for V8 — has now progressed to the point where it is no longer considered an experimental security feature. Starting today, the V8 Sandbox is included in Chrome’s Vulnerability Reward Program (VRP).

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Tuesday 2 April, 2024

Fighting cookie theft using device bound sessions

Kristian Monsen, Chrome Counter Abuse

Cookies – small files created by sites you visit – are fundamental to the modern web. They make your online experience easier by saving browsing information, so that sites can do things like keep you signed in and remember your site preferences. Due to their powerful utility, cookies are also a lucrative target for attackers.

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